Mar 22 2022 -
Feb 17 2022 Emoțiile care vin năvală când lucrezi alături de un cal, nu se pot exprima în cuvinte
În 36 de ani nu am avut o experiență asemănătoare la nivel de utilitate și impact asupra vieții mele sau conștientizări mai puternice, așa cum am avut după exercițiile de educație asistată de cai, din acea zi. -
Jan 25 2022 Sight of mind – Horse Touch training
What is Horse Touch Sight of Mind? Horse Touch Sight of Mind is a one-day outdoor experiential learning and development program which takes you on a trail of activities and emotions based on the hero’s journey concept. It works at the level of individual and group values/principles and it addresses the internal convergence of the… Continue reading -
Jan 25 2022 Feed forward – Horse Touch training module
What is Horse Touch Feedforward? Horse Touch Feedforward is a one-day outdoor experiential learning and development program which uses the feedback loop in the scope of generating feedforward. Horses give action-based feedback and respond exclusively to behavior (action). They demonstrate how to use the information contained in the feedback process without taking it personally and… Continue reading