Jan 25 2022 Divergent – Horse Touch Training module
What is Horse Touch Divergent? Horse Touch Divergent is a one-day outdoor experiential learning and development program which demonstrates how you can have order without control. It’s about how to make the most out of emergent change and opportunity-based change. Horses will teach you the value of the present in terms of shifting the future… Continue reading -
Jan 25 2022 Team Culture – Horse Touch training module
What is Horse Touch TeamCulture? Horse Touch TeamCulture is a one-day outdoor experiential learning and development program which demonstrate what is the interdependency between the individual and the team, how culture works inside a team, depending on the context and the time frame. Horses are excellent followers if they find a leader to follow. They… Continue reading -
Jan 24 2022 Gentle trainers – 2021
An international L&D team joines us for a horse assisted experience focused on Empowerment, Trust, Pshycological Safety and Taking Action.
They said “100 hours of classroom training would not have yielded what 4 hours of HorseTouch delivered”
Jan 18 2022 Povestea vieții tale poate avea și cai
În cazul propriilor povești de viață putem chema caii să ne fie ghizi și să ne înlesnească dezvoltarea de sine, dezvoltarea relațiilor cu cei din jur, crearea unui spațiu util de dezvoltare pentru copii.