Why Horses? Why Horse Assisted Education?
The IMPORTANCY filter: through the way they are and the way the act, horses resolve one of the inattentional blindness factors of the human mind.
- They (the horses) are automatically defined by our brain as being important due to their size and the way they interact with us (up close & personal).
- Participating in a horse assisted education experience demands full body activity while not requiring any physical strength. You can’t talk you way through. You need to do. You can’t tell a horse what to do. We need to instruct and lead.
The DIFFERENTIATING filter: through the way we design the horse assisted education exercises and programs we resolve the other inattentional blindness factor of the human mind.
Horses are great. Horse assisted education is top class.
What do you (the Horse Touch human team) do?
We translate the horse world into business action plans, delivering transformation with a purpose.
Our contribution is in carefully adapting the activities to the specific need of your team, organization, industry and then translating the experience from the arena back into the business world so you can achieve your goals.
- It’s so different than anything else that our brain cannot ignore it. The interaction with horses provides a long-lasting positive impression on the emotional realm of people, insuring memorability.
What People Think About Our Method
Matrix of Activities and Objectives
See what you can do for yourself or with your team.
Concept Example: Leadership Tools
Leadership from near and far (with tools).
Clarity starts inside.
You can’t offer what you don’t have.
Listen to understand, not to respond.
Ask yourself, before you start asking others.
This exercise is for a team of 4 individuals and one horse.
The leadership tools they may use are 4 lead ropes: 2 long (5m) and 2 short (2-3m).
This activity is a metaphor for:
- A management team (the 4 participants) leading the organization;
- Aligned vs conflicting inputs into a system;
- The efficiency and efficacy of various leadership and management tools, depending on the context;
- Individual preferences regarding freedom and control;
- Organization and implementation of specific tactics;
- Roles: who, when, why;
- Adapting to (unforeseen) changes.