Noi ca echipa | Us as a team

Q: Cat de mult ne pot ajuta caii, sa invatam despre noi, ca echipa?
A: Atat cat ii veti lasa sa va ajute.

Nu e magie, e doar acceptare, toleranta si disponibilitatea de a fi. Caii nu va vor oferi raspunsul, ei va vor oferi ocazia sa va gasiti propriile raspunsuri, fara a judeca, fara asteptari predeterminate, cu multa curiozitate si prezenta.

Q: Just how much can the horses help us, as a team, learn about ourselves?
A: As much as you will allow them to.

It’s not magic, it’s acceptance, tolerance and willingness to be. The horses will not give you the answers, they will give you the opportunity to find your answers. No judging, no preset expectations, a lot of curiosity and presence.