Observarea in educatia asistata de cai | Observing in HAE (2/2)
Ne este de mare folos sa observam ce si cum fac ceilalti colegi. Cand nu e randul nostru, observarea este o sursa de invatare (accelerata) care nu costa nimic si care este frecvent disponibila. Necesita atentie mare si o la fel de mare frana aplicata pe filtrele noastre de perceptie, in special pe cele care genereaza judecarea comportamentului celorlalti. Pusa in practica cu scopul invatarii, observarea este mult mai rentabila decat atunci cand are drept scop judecarea celorlalti sau crearea de statut mare prin criticarea celorlalti.
In cazul observarii, scopul determina rezultatul mai mult decat actiunea in sine, pentru ca scopul actioneaza ca un ghidaj al atentiei.
Observing what our colleagues do and how they do it is of great learning value. When it’s not our turn, observation is a source of accelerated learning, at no cost and readily available. It requires attention and a great deal of energy to stop ourselves from applying those perception filters which generate judgment on others’ behavior.
Used with the goal of learning, observation generates a higher return on investment than when it is used to judge others or create a higher status through criticism.
The goal of the observation greatly determines the result (more than the activity of observing itself), because the goal acts as a compass on the attention investment.