Tot ce se intampla/ What ever happens
“Tot ce se intampla face parte din activitate.
Este ruptura de stoc la globuri de sticla, borcane si alte medii controlate”
Asa suna mesajul pe care il transmitem tuturor participantilor la programele bazate pe educatia asistata de cai pe care le facilitam noi.
Anul trecut, prezenta care sustinea cel mai mult acest mesaj era un caine care in mod sistematic lua cate un jalon si pleca cu el, suficient de lent cat sa poata fi ajuns din urma si suficient de departe cat sa atraga atentia intregului grup de participanti.
Anul acesta, acest mesaj este ilustrat de o pisica care manifesta o imensa placere in a participa in special la activitatile de tip Train the Trainer. Desi e foarte mica si se misca foarte putin, prezenta aceasta atrage si atentia cailor.
“Everything that happens is part of the activity.
We are out of stock for glass bells, jars and other protected environments.”
This is the message we communicate at the beginning of all our horse assisted education activities.
Last year, there was a dog who translated this concept into practice. She would come by, take one cone and go fast enough to be caught and far enough to get everyone’s attention.
This year, this message is illustrated by a cat which takes great joy in attending, especially Train the Trainer activities. Although she is very small and moves very little, her presence attracts the interest of the horses too.